Having read this thread my mind gets inevitably drawn back to Trevor/Linda/Cast of thousands. Trevor was the same - thinking that he himself wasn't enough to interest people. This must have lead him to creating the alter egos whose basic purpose was to make him appear much better than his own self esteem would allow.
Whenever I chatted with Linda I noticed that pretty much every second sentence was about how wonderful Trevor was etc etc and she didn't have much to say that didn't relate back to him in some way. In fact it was a lot like a love sick teenager would behave and after a while got a bit tedious. Yes, I did feel awful about thinking like that when 'she' became ill!!
At the root of it all seems to be a lack of self acceptance - no one will like me for being ordinary or humdrum, I have to be this really interesting person with such a drama fuelled life! Probably most people would have found Trevor to be an alright guy if he had just been himself.
Personally I steer clear of some drama related posts, must be the dour Scot in me!